MSI Schematics, BIOS


Staff member
Jun 27, 2015
MSI Schematics Desktop
8I945AE-AE Rev.1.1 MSI Schematic
8I945AE-RH-AE Rev.1.1 MSI Schematic
8I945AEF-AE Rev.1.1 MSI Schematic
8i945aef-ae_r11b_050630-pvt MSI Schematic
8I945AEF-RH-AE Rev.1.1 MSI Schematic
8I945G PRO Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8I945G Rev.1.02 MSI Schematic
8I945GMBX_R101 MSI Schematic
8i945gme_r10_05-1026 MSI Schematic
8I945GMF Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8I945P-G Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8I945P-G Rev.1.1 MSI Schematic
8I945P-G-RH_10A MSI Schematic
8I945PDG-R Rev.1.02 MSI Schematic
8i945pdgr_10l MSI Schematic
8I945PE-FS Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8i945pe-fs_r10_pvt MSI Schematic
8I945PG Rev.1.02 MSI Schematic
8I945PL-G Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8I945PL-G Rev.1.1 MSI Schematic
8I945PLGE-RH Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8I945PLGE MSI Schematic
8i945pm-rh-nf_r10a-050721 MSI Schematic
8I945PMF Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8i945pmf_r10a-pvt MSI Schematic
8I955RS-FJ Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8I955X DUAL GRAPHIC Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8I955X Royal Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8I955XP-00-11A MSI Schematic
8I955XRO_0322 MSI Schematic
8i955xro_0517_11 MSI Schematic
8ID #1.0 MSI Schematic
8ID533 #1.0 MSI Schematic
8id533-11 MSI Schematic
8ID2003 ver.2.0 MSI Schematic
8ID2003-P Rev.2.01 MSI Schematic
8IDFL #1.2 MSI Schematic
8IDM-NF (1.0) MSI Schematic
8IDML(1.0) MSI Schematic
8IDML0~1 MSI Schematic
8idml20_0713 MSI Schematic
8IE(1.1_1) MSI Schematic
8IE533 #1.0 MSI Schematic
8IE533_2.0 MSI Schematic
8IE800 Ver.1.1 MSI Schematic
8IE2004 Rev.1.0CB MSI Schematic
8IE2004 Rev.1.0CC MSI Schematic
8IE2004L Rev.1.0CB MSI Schematic
8IE2004L Rev.1.0CC MSI Schematic
8IE2004P Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8IE2004P-L Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8IEMK(1.0) MSI Schematic
8IEML-LE(1.1_1) MSI Schematic
8IEML-T #2.1 MSI Schematic
8IEML-T #2 MSI Schematic
8IEML-T_C #2.0_1 MSI Schematic
8IEMLP-LE #1.1 MSI Schematic
8IEX #1.1 MSI Schematic
8IEX(1.2_1) MSI Schematic
8IEXP #1.1 MSI Schematic
8IG #1.2 MSI Schematic
8IG1000MFP Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8IG1000MK Rev.1.01 MSI Schematic
8IG1000Pro Rev.1.01 MSI Schematic
8IG1000PRO Rev.2.03 MSI Schematic
8IGLM Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8IGMK(1.0) MSI Schematic
8IGML-T #2.0_1 MSI Schematic
8IGML-T_C #2.0_1 MSI Schematic
8IGMLT Ver.3.01 MSI Schematic
8IGMLT Ver.2.02 MSI Schematic
8IGX #1.1 MSI Schematic
8IGX(1.1_1) MSI Schematic
8IHXP #2.1 MSI Schematic
8IK1100 Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8IK1100 Rev.2.0 MSI Schematic
8ILFL #1.0_1 MSI Schematic
8ilflr20 MSI Schematic
8ILMT4 #1.0 MSI Schematic
8IMMT4 #1.0_2Channel MSI Schematic
8IMMT4 #1.1 MSI Schematic
8INXP_10 MSI Schematic
8IP900 Rev.1.01 MSI Schematic
8IP900-L Rev.1.01 MSI Schematic
8IP900E Rev.1.01 MSI Schematic
8IP900MK Rev.1.01 MSI Schematic
8IP900MT Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8IPE1000 Rev.1.01 MSI Schematic
8IPE1000 Rev.2.03 MSI Schematic
8IPE1000-G REV4.0 MSI Schematic
8IPE1000-L Rev.1.01 MSI Schematic
8IPE1000G Rev.3.0 MSI Schematic
8ipe1000g-4.0 MSI Schematic
8IPE1000L Rev.2.03-2 MSI Schematic
8IPE1000L Rev.2.03 MSI Schematic
8IPE1000MK Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8IPE1000MT Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8IPE1000PRO3 Rev.2.03 MSI Schematic
8IRML(4.0) MSI Schematic
8IRPZ #1.0 MSI Schematic
8IRX #2.0 MSI Schematic
8IRX-20A MSI Schematic
8IRXI-(10b) MSI Schematic
8IRXP-20a MSI Schematic
8ISMJPE_LE Rev.1.03 MSI Schematic
8ismkhb_ht_r11_Final MSI Schematic
8ISMKHB-HT Rev.1.1 MSI Schematic
8ISMT-PE-CH Rev.1.02 MSI Schematic
8ISMT-PE-LE Rev.1.02 MSI Schematic
8ismt-pech-0409 MSI Schematic
8ISPK-FJ Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8ISXT-FS Rev.1.01 MSI Schematic
8ITML #2.0 1 MSI Schematic
8ITML(1.0) MSI Schematic
8ITX(1.0) MSI Schematic
8ITX3(1.0) MSI Schematic
8ITXE(1.01) MSI Schematic
8ls533cr10 MSI Schematic
8PE667 #1.0 MSI Schematic
8PE667 PRO _1.2 MSI Schematic
8PE667 PRO #1.2 MSI Schematic
8PE667 Ultra2 (1.2) MSI Schematic
8PE667_PRO #1.0 MSI Schematic
8PE667_Ultra #1.0 MSI Schematic
8PE800 Ver.1.1 MSI Schematic
8PE800-L Rev.1.1 MSI Schematic
8PE800Pro Ver.1.1 MSI Schematic
8PE800Ultra Ver.1.1 MSI Schematic
8PEMT-CH (1.1) MSI Schematic
8PEMT-CH #1.1 MSI Schematic
8PEMT-LE (1.11) MSI Schematic
8PEMT4_1.0 MSI Schematic
8PEMT4(1.0) MSI Schematic
8PENXP Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8PENXP Rev.2.0 MSI Schematic
8S648-RZ Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S648-RZ-C Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S648FX-RZ Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S648FX-RZ-C Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S648FXM-CH1 Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S648FXM-CH2 Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S648FXM-CH3 Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S648L Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S650GXM Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S650GXM-C Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S651M-RZ Rev.1.1 MSI Schematic
8S651MP-RZ Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S655FX Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S655FX Ultra Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S655FXL Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S661FXM Rev.1.01 MSI Schematic
8S661FXM_RZ Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8S661FXM-F Rev.1.01 MSI Schematic
8S661GXMP Rev.1.1 MSI Schematic
8SGXL-FS2 Rev.1.2 MSI Schematic
8SIML-NF1 Ver.1.0 MSI Schematic
8SIML-NFL #1.0 MSI Schematic
8SIML(1.1) MSI Schematic
8SIMLFS-FS(2.0) MSI Schematic
8SIMLFS(1.0) MSI Schematic
8SIMLFS(2.0) MSI Schematic
8SIMLH #3.02 MSI Schematic
8SIMLH-P Rev.3.2 MSI Schematic
8SIMLH(2.1) MSI Schematic
8SIMLNF-NF (1.1) MSI Schematic
8SIMLNF-NF #1.0 MSI Schematic
8SIMLNF-NF1 Ver.1.2 MSI Schematic
8SIMLNF-NF5 Rev.2.0 MSI Schematic
8SIMLNF-NF6 Rev.2.0 MSI Schematic
8SIMLP(2.01) MSI Schematic
8SKML #1.0 MSI Schematic
8SLML #1.0 MSI Schematic
8SMML(1.0) MSI Schematic
8SRX #1.0 MSI Schematic
8SRX(1.0) MSI Schematic
8st MSI Schematic
8st10c_0612 MSI Schematic
8ST667-L(3.0) MSI Schematic
8ST800(1.0) MSI Schematic
8ST800L(1.0) MSI Schematic
8STML(2.01) MSI Schematic
8STXC-FS #1.0 MSI Schematic
8TM-10A MSI Schematic
8TRX330-L-R101 MSI Schematic
8tx3 MSI Schematic
8tx10 MSI Schematic
8VD667 Rev.1.1 MSI Schematic
8VD667 MSI Schematic
8VD667K(1.0) MSI Schematic
8VM533 Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
8vm533mrz MSI Schematic
8VM800M Rev.1.01 MSI Schematic
945plm-s2-r10-060809_PVT MSI Schematic
G31-S3L REV.1.1 MSI Schematic
G31M-S2L_R102 MSI Schematic
G33-DS3R V1.01 MSI Schematic
GA-EP35-DS3 V2.13 MSI Schematic
GA-EP35-DS3L_10D MSI Schematic
GA-EP35C-DS3R MSI Schematic
GA-EP43-S3L-10B MSI Schematic
GA-EP45-DS3L-10B MSI Schematic
GA-M61VME-S2 V1.01 MSI Schematic
GA-M61VME-S2 V1.02 MSI Schematic
GA-M61VME-S2 V2.01 MSI Schematic
GA-MA69G-S3H V1.0 MSI Schematic
GA-MA69VM-S2 V1.0 MSI Schematic
GA-MF3 V1.0 MSI Schematic
GA-N680SLI-DQ6 V1.0 MSI Schematic
GA-P31-DS3L-11A MSI Schematic
GA-P35T-DQ6 V1.0 MSI Schematic
M51GM-S2G V1.2 MSI Schematic
m51gm-s2g_r10a_0421 MSI Schematic
M55PLUS-S3G Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
M55PLUS-S3G_R10B MSI Schematic
m55plus-s3g_r12b MSI Schematic
M55PLUS-S3G_R21B MSI Schematic
M55S-S3 Rev.1.0 MSI Schematic
m55sli-s4_10 MSI Schematic
m56s-s3_10b_0727 MSI Schematic
m61p-s3_101c_0103 MSI Schematic
M61PM-S2 V1.0 MSI Schematic
M61VME-S2 V1.02 MSI Schematic
MA69G-S3H V1.0 MSI Schematic
MA69GM-S2H-R10B_0516 MSI Schematic
MS-6728-30c-0916 MSI Schematic
MS-7033 V100-0526 MSI Schematic
MS-7033V100-0526 MSI Schematic
MS-7557 V20.cad
MS-7599 MS-17599
MS-7610 MS-17610
MS-7615-2.0 MSI Schematic
MS-7615-10 MSI Schematic
MS-7624-1.0 1.1
MS-7636 V1.3.cad
MS-9137D2 8P439_A02 MSI Schematic
MS-V066 P455-A01 G71-A02
MSI G41M-P33 Combo
MSI MS-7211
MSI MS-7254
MSI MS-7549 (KA780GM2)
MSI MS-7681
MSI MS-7798 (B75MA-P45)


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Hi everybody! I am new at this forum and have to points to download a schematics. I'm looking for MS-7673 board. A water was spilled on it and VRM does not start. No phisical damage around it, VRM built on strange IC marked UT257
MS-7599 MS-17599
Schematic and boardview
7599-02S BOM.xls


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